My plans about creating a portfolio

My plans about creating a portfolio

Thinking about creating a portfolio !

A portfolio is a platform on which a professional (a web designer, a graphic designer, a product manager, a backend developer...) can showcase his/her work.


Do you have a portfolio?

Yes ?

Then, that's okay!

But if you don't have one, this article will guide you through the importance of having a portfolio.

Importance of having a portfolio

A portfolio is an online or offline tool through which you can show a person (eg: an employer) the various and numerous practical projects you have worked on or are working on.


By doing so, not only you are giving the employer the proof, the assurance that you are able to do the work but also that you're creative and serious about your career aspirations. A portfolio can be used to access and measure the quality of your work. It can highlight your core competencies and how good you are at doing this or that!

In this digital era, a portfolio is a great must have asset one must possess.

Personal thoughts

Some months ago, I read a lot about portfolio and had the chance to view some creative people portfolios. The designs are well chosen; they consist of beautiful colors, various animations, high-quality images and all the other attractive elements that make a website awesome...All this inspired me to create my own portfolio.


As I was starting my career in tech and didn't really know where to specialize, I didn't have a portfolio although I was building some school-based projects alone or in team. In fact, I used and continue to use Github to host my projects. After some time, I quickly discover that I can use it as my portfolio. I understand that Github can play an awesome role, the role of a portfolio. And this is where I push my projects as a front-end developer and today as an aspiring data engineer.

To put in a nutshell,I find it useless to create a beautiful website to host and highlight my projects while Github is there.

My final resolution

Two events change my mind about the importance of having a portfolio. A workshop on Data Science and the Hashnode Bootcamp III. At the first event, few months ago, I've learnt that Github is a great tool but non technical people are not very comfortable with it. They tend to prefer aesthetic websites on which all your projects are highlighted.


The second event has taught me a lot indeed about the importance of having a portfolio. Ali Spittel, one of the speakers during the bootcamp, taught me the importance of having a portfolio not only as a developer but also as a data scientist. All the speakers were so convincing in their different speeches that I finally realize that I should build a portfolio for my side projects.

I will be using Github to build this portfolio as it offers a simple and aesthetic way to do it. In my next article, I will write about how to create a portfolio using Github Pages .

Hope this'll be worth reading!

Cover Photo : By me