Are you fond of writing lines of code ? Then, You ‘ll have to choose one among many programming languages such as : PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, Ruby and I name others.
But today, my writing is about Python language.
So what’s Python ? Python is an easy learn, powerful and high-level programming language that uses instructions to tell a computer how to perform a specific task.
Who creates Python language ? Python was created by Van Rossum Guido in the late 1980s. He found that name after the television show Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Its real implementation started in December 1989.
What can be done with Python ? This powerful language can be used in many areas especially in :
- web applications development
- game development
- Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning and Data Science.
Where can Python be used ? Python is multiplatform. It can be supported by Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and many others operating systems.
If you are a beginner in Python Programming, it’s very important for you to know this. Hope it’ll help someone. Thank You for reading !!